Okay, okay I know it is another meat related post. But I do have something good for my east side friends, those staying around Pasir Ris. Hidden at E! Avenue @ Downtown East is a establishment that sells cantonese cuisine and specialize in duck! Not just any duck, but Heavenly Duck. Their crispy-skin and juicy flesh redolent with a five-spice aroma, complex sweetness, and subtle smoky finished duck. Below you can find a little sneak peek into their kitchen. look how crispy their skin is and plus that entire duck above is only S$48!!!


Dim sum

When we talk about cantonese cuisine how can we leave out dim sum! Oh gosh their dim sum, more like dim me some more! But honestly, visually their food may not look impressive. They don’t have your fancy lights or your fancy electronics gadgets. Their carrot cake may not come in the shades of the rainbow BUT taste made up for all their food. Once out of the steamer and close to your table the carrot cake will the one of the few you first start to smell and salivate over. Crispy on the outside and soft within, paired it with their chili sauce or not it just makes you grab another one.

They have classics like Chicken Feet with Black Bean Sauce

Tobiko-studded Siew Mai


Must tries

Besides the Dim Sim and the Duck they too are skilled at the famous local Chili Crab. But what is different between their crab and others? Now let me tell you, Most chili crabs out there their sauce tend to be on the sweeter side. But Heavenly Duck’s Chili Crab sauce is really a spicy chili based sauce.

Crispy Roasted Pork

Barbecued Pork Belly

Claypot Curry Fish Head

Braised Spinach Beancurd with Mushrooms



You can also find them on Chope and Foodpanda.

If not just head on down to Downtown East and Makan






Heavenly Duck 天王鸭
E! Avenue @ Downtown East

1 Pasir Ris Close
E! Avenue @ Downtown East
Singapore (519599)

Mon-Fri : 11am-12mn
Sat-Sun & PH: 10am-12mn

Written by Ivannavich

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