Fats, fats, fats. We all struggle with weight in a way or another and what makes matter worst is that there are places where fats just won’t go away. I myself may not look like it but I do struggle from such problems. In fact for many years I have been trying various ways to “reshape” my body. It is not about either I am over weight or I look okay or not, but rather the problem on the overall shape I am in. I have two major problems which no matter how much I tried I couldn’t get rid off. Firstly would be the mini handles on my sides and then that sweet area just right below the belly button.

During secondary school I was slightly over weight, so when I graduated I decided to do something about it. I came across this an apple a day diet where I ate only one apple a day. No water just one apple for the entire day. I tried that for a month and I loss so much weight. But there were lots of major issues. I was too weak and lack the energy to do almost anything and I still see that I have those two “mouse” below my belly button. That got me really angry, because after one month of suffering and I still did not get what I want. As fast as I lost that weight, I gain them back equally fast as well.

So I took things even more extreme. Since I am unhappy because how thick I look I decided to make it un-thick. I manage to get my hands on one waist compressor and one corset. I will wear the waist compressor and then the corset over it. I will then tighten the corset till you hear a little creak of your bones. I would do this every night before I sleep and wear then through the night. There were times I would wake up gasping for air or unable to walk proper in the morning, and that carried on for years. Though I may have achieved when I wanted this has caused my lower three ribs to jut inwards, causing slightly breathing problems as well as spine issues. On top of that if I over eat or drink I can feel the ribs against the stomach causing pain and breathing difficulties. After all that the stubborn fats was still there.

It was around my mid twenties when I talked to a few friends and they brought me to the gym. I started running and going to the gym once to twice a week. My body gradually got into better shape but those two “FRIENDS” were still there, refusing to go away.


So I recently came across something called CoolSculpting, or also known as fat freezing. Unlike other treatments, CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that has no downtime. So basically what it does is that it kills the unwanted fat cells at your selected region and your body will naturally pass out the dead cells. The best part is that the dead cells stay dead. It is not a weight loss solution but it is perfect for people who have little bulges of fats that just won’t go away. No surgery, no needles, no downtime. It not only removes fat, but it also contours and reshape your body. Honestly, I did not believe it at all when I read it. Right before I talked to the doctor I thought it was a gimmick or a joke. Have you seen the stuff I tried? Surely it can’t be that easy.

During consulting I was very nervous and I was still slightly skeptical about the whole thing. But Dr. Terence Tan from Halley Medical Aesthetics patiently answered my questions no matter how ridiculous they are, he even reassured me and help set all my troubles aside. We took our measurements and even measured my total body fats and muscle. We took 360° photos around my entire mid-section so that we could compare photos taken before.

Once my skin is all marked they fired up the machine. When the treatment began I thought it was going to take a very long time, but apparently I was wrong again. At Halley Medical Aesthetics they use the Cool Advantage Plus applicator, which means it reduces the treatment time by almost half. From an hour down to a mear forty five minutes.

The applicator gel pad was applied to my skin for protection in the areas of treatment and wow it was cold. I was thinking “is that all? It is not that bad.” But when they turn on the applicator and the machine I was slightly surprised by this strange sensation I felt, and it was much colder then it is. But your skin will become numb very fast, so no worries. Truth be told it was uncomfortable at first as it was a totally new sensation and your body is trying to get used to it. It felt like a cold vacuum cleaner sucking onto your skin and applying pressure to it, the sensation shocked me at first. The room was kept in a slightly warmer side and they even provided with a blanket for you to snuggle in. The Halley Medical Aesthetics staff made sure I was comfortable, checked on me often. I spend the time checking email and playing games on my phone. Eventually I even fell asleep. If you feel a slight hard to talk or breathing at the beginning of the treatment its normal as your body is surprised by the sensation.


When the time was up, the applicators were removed and the Halley Medical Aesthetics staff massaged the treated area.  This was the most uncomfortable portion of the experience. Basically the staff massages the treated area immediately after the applicator is removed because it helps decrease swelling and increases the body’s positive response to Coolsculpting. It allows you to mechanically disrupt the cell wall of these fat cells to push them towards death. It feels like you’re pressing on a bruise. It does not hurt and everything is tolerable. I told myself that’s the “Friends” screaming as I am evicting them. The gel applicator left my skin feeling slightly sticky but they were easy to clean off and lots of wipes were provided.


After all that I was given pills to suppress the appetite and cravings to further help achieve my body goal. The pills are in no way slimming pills but rather what they do is remove the urges. So you will not feel like snacking or even go for those late night suppers. It is not magic after all, you still have to put in some effort.

I would say CoolSculpting is the idea treatment to get rid of all those stubborn fats that just won’t go away. Paired this up with a change of dietary and an increase of exercise I can achieve my ideal body goal. Dr. Terence Tan said that I will see the full results by the end of three months. I am so excited to see the overall outcome, time to say Bye Bye to those two “Friends”. I will be updating the results of this treatment soon. So stay tune for the results and my experience part two.

Written by Ivannavich


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