Hi friends, In celebration of my birthday and this blog’s official opening I will be giving away two earphone to two special people!!! Each earphone is worth up to S$149 and it can be yours. The Regent White and Tre Classic Blue. Two winners will be selected. May the odds always be in your favor. Contest ends on the 31st of July, 2359.

To win the The Regent White check out my Instagram for more detail
To win the Tre Classic Blue view the details below.
(Does that mean I stand a chance to win both?)
(If you are lucky enough! YES!)
One special prize is reserve to the first one who catch me in public. Catch phrase is “Tag your it!” (I might NOT be carrying the prize all the time)

How to win?

  1. Follow me on Facebook
  2. Subscribe to ivannation.com
  3. Comment below (with IG handle) when both steps is done.
  • Optional but you stand a higher chance of winning when you share this post and tag your friends on FB ( I do check πŸ˜‰ )

Read more about Sudio : Music to my ears

19 thoughts on “July Birthday GIVEAWAY”

  1. Happy Birthday!! Wishing you all the best in life and success in your career. Saw you and William once in a train in the city area. You were very engrossed in your conversation and didn’t want to distrurb you guys. So hi! πŸ˜†πŸ˜‰
    IG: Nanaynimarco1982

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