The Sesame Street Run is finally here! We managed to secure VVIP passes and were all pumped up at the prospect of revisiting our childhood memories! It was a pleasant sight to be greeted by the big Sesame Street signboards upon arrival to Our Tampines Hub (no chance of getting lost!). The friendly marshalls efficiently guided the crowd to the entry point. We hadn’t managed to get our caps in advance, and some chaos ensued at the collection booth when we were informed that our merchandise had been delayed again.

I was also rather disappointed to see the event timer still being set up at 7am. Kudos to the emcee for attempting to stall for time by entertaining the crowd with songs and friendly banter! Everyone was finally treated to a performance by the Sesame Street mascots – Grover, Ernie, Bird, Abby and Cookie Monster!! The characters were accompanied by zesty young
dancers, and kids and adults alike danced along to the all familiar theme song “Sunny Day”. The 5km route was undeniably crowded… BUT for a
refreshing change, signboard alphabets with Sesame Street characters were used as distance markers!! We had a wild time trying to chase each other while ensuring we followed A – Z in order!

Another major highlight of the run came at the end, where participants were treated to a “foam party” before reaching the finish line! This was something not commonly seen in the local runs and boy did the kids really have a blast!

Overall, I could tell that much effort had gone into the logistics. The creativity of the event, the super uber cute merchandise and that the marshalls were all superbly well informed…. These logistics were meticulously planned for. Families had fun and apart from the missing merchandise and delayed start, the event was still a very memorable one
for me. The organisers later issued a public apology with regards to
the abovementioned. Good on them! Hope they can get the issues sorted out soon.

PS: It’s been 2 weeks but I still have not received my
merchandise. SIGH!!

Written by Elise

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